So the flights have gone off almost with out a hitch. Josh did pack his shampoo and conditioner on our carry on which made security take a bit longer, but the airline checked our bag in for free so not too bad.
We had the best airport food on our stop in Honolulu, which I forgot to take a picture of since we were starving from only getting cheese and fruit plates on the plane * note to self pack our own lunches when flying Alaska, snacks and cheese only go so far on a 5 1/2 hour flight.
We had a smooth flight to Kauai rented a sweet Mini Van which may or may not have a rodent living in it. We stopped at Walmart for supplies which brings me back to the rodent. We bought some bread and when we took it out of the bag tonight something had eaten part of it and ripped holes in the bag.... I figure that can't be good since I know I didn't buy it that way and it didn't ever leave the car????
Anyway finally made to the condo after our friends so thoughtfully had dinner waiting for us knowing how tired we would be. The girls explored the place like cats and went to bed, now I'm waiting to crash since it's 12:30am California time. looking forward to some time at the beach tomorrow and my parents flying in.
Konold Family
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Cleaning house
A lazy Sunday hanging around the house in our p.j's, the girls trying to keep busy by pricing their stuffed animals for our up coming garage sale, and myself trying to update and organize our daily lives. It's a new year and though I rarely officially make New Years resolutions, this year I'm making the effort. As I work on my very long list, one of them is to document our lives a bit better. This morning I looked back at past posts from over a year ago ( the last time I posted anything) I was so happy to read and look at memories of our life thus far. So now with technology literally always at our finger tips this should be easy right???
So my official first post from my i-phone. Wishing the world a happy lazy Sunday like ours.
So my official first post from my i-phone. Wishing the world a happy lazy Sunday like ours.
Friday, November 5, 2010
"Halloween Apples"
Another successful Halloween filled with lots of trick or treating, and lots of candy that only I seem to be eating.
Lilly had a great time of course, and her and Paige had the best costumes thanks to Grandma Sherry. They were the most adorable witches, Paige though insisting she wanted to be a witch just like her sister had to be bribed to wear her witch hat and say " Trick or Treat" but that's Paige I couldn't imagine it any other way.
Josh and I went to a Halloween party this year, I think it's been about 7 or 8 years since we dressed up. I had a great idea from my sister and brother in law who wore costumes like ours a few years ago. I'll post a picture and you can look and figure out what Josh was this year. I warn anyone who has a weak stomach, or may be easily offended not to look.
Thanks again to Grandma for all her hard Halloween work, she always makes this Holiday a little more special.

Lilly had a great time of course, and her and Paige had the best costumes thanks to Grandma Sherry. They were the most adorable witches, Paige though insisting she wanted to be a witch just like her sister had to be bribed to wear her witch hat and say " Trick or Treat" but that's Paige I couldn't imagine it any other way.
Josh and I went to a Halloween party this year, I think it's been about 7 or 8 years since we dressed up. I had a great idea from my sister and brother in law who wore costumes like ours a few years ago. I'll post a picture and you can look and figure out what Josh was this year. I warn anyone who has a weak stomach, or may be easily offended not to look.
Thanks again to Grandma for all her hard Halloween work, she always makes this Holiday a little more special.
Friday, October 22, 2010
My Birthday
I had a fantastic Birthday this year. The older I get the less excited I seem to be about celebrating my Birthday I never want to do anything, until the day gets close and I haven't made any plans and I start to feel bummed out that I don't have anything fun planned for my Birthday. So this year if it wasn't for such good friends wanting to celebrate for me, and a family I love to spend time with I don't think I would of done much, and I would be regretting it.
So First a week or so before my Birthday I got to go to the Carrie Underwood concert, which was awesome and a birthday gift from friends. Then 2 days before my Birthday Josh and I went out with some friends Rock Climbing, which was an experience, and lots of fun. Then out to dinner at the Claim Jumper.
On My Birthday I had a crown put no fun! Then all my family on Josh's side came over to celebrate, and I bought myself a Nothing Bunt Cake ( white Chocolate Rasberry of course). Opened my Orlei Kiely bag from my husband ( Thanks again Maren) and fell fast asleep glad it's a whole year until my next Birthday. ( Just because the getting older thing)
She was amazing.

Ryan who was seriously like a pro at climbing.
Ryan not letting Amber touch the ground, one of my favorite shots.

Maren showing of her Cirque Du Soleil skills.
I really look like I know what I'm doing..ha ha
Harness was not do comfy especially for the boys, and there may of been a few crude comments.....mostly from my husband of course.

Dinner Afterward, and my awesome group Gift.
Hellooow my new favorite purse.
So First a week or so before my Birthday I got to go to the Carrie Underwood concert, which was awesome and a birthday gift from friends. Then 2 days before my Birthday Josh and I went out with some friends Rock Climbing, which was an experience, and lots of fun. Then out to dinner at the Claim Jumper.
On My Birthday I had a crown put no fun! Then all my family on Josh's side came over to celebrate, and I bought myself a Nothing Bunt Cake ( white Chocolate Rasberry of course). Opened my Orlei Kiely bag from my husband ( Thanks again Maren) and fell fast asleep glad it's a whole year until my next Birthday. ( Just because the getting older thing)

I definitely had to document our family trip to Disneyland since most people who know Josh knows that he does not feel it is " The Happiest Place On Earth" as a matter of fact he would probably say the exact opposite if given the chance. So Some how I managed to talk him into going with out much of a fight I might add, and I think since the kids had such a great time it helped his disdain for the park.
We unfortunately had rain most of the time, which I would of preferred to be with out, but what are you going to do but ride! ride! ride!

Cant go to Disneyland and not get a churro.
The girls loved the bunk beds, it was their first time on one.
The Girls on a ride.......
Josh on a ride.......

We found out some of our friends were planning a Disney trip also, so our second day we got to spend some time with them, and the kids with their friends.
We unfortunately had rain most of the time, which I would of preferred to be with out, but what are you going to do but ride! ride! ride!
We found out some of our friends were planning a Disney trip also, so our second day we got to spend some time with them, and the kids with their friends.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Back to school
So Lilly has been back to school for a month now I know, but since I haven't blogged in forever I thought I would start with the beginning of the school year. Anyway My big girl is in Kindergarten and loving it. She managed to get in a class with all of her friends, she thinks school is " The Best" and weekends are always too long. Let's hope this lasts!!

She made herself right at home the first day.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The girls had a great Halloween. Grandma Sherry made the girls costumes and as always they turned out darling. Lilly wanted to be a Butterfly, so we made Paige a Bee. We went to trunk or treat with our church Friday night where the kids scored on Candy, and then went out around our neighborhood on Halloween where the kids got even more Candy. The worst part is there is only one person actually eating all the candy and that's me!!
Lilly before school on Friday.
Trunk or Treat.

Counting the candy at the end of the night.
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