Lilly had a great time of course, and her and Paige had the best costumes thanks to Grandma Sherry. They were the most adorable witches, Paige though insisting she wanted to be a witch just like her sister had to be bribed to wear her witch hat and say " Trick or Treat" but that's Paige I couldn't imagine it any other way.
Josh and I went to a Halloween party this year, I think it's been about 7 or 8 years since we dressed up. I had a great idea from my sister and brother in law who wore costumes like ours a few years ago. I'll post a picture and you can look and figure out what Josh was this year. I warn anyone who has a weak stomach, or may be easily offended not to look.
Thanks again to Grandma for all her hard Halloween work, she always makes this Holiday a little more special.