I had a fantastic Birthday this year. The older I get the less excited I seem to be about celebrating my Birthday I never want to do anything, until the day gets close and I haven't made any plans and I start to feel bummed out that I don't have anything fun planned for my Birthday. So this year if it wasn't for such good friends wanting to celebrate for me, and a family I love to spend time with I don't think I would of done much, and I would be regretting it.
So First a week or so before my Birthday I got to go to the Carrie Underwood concert, which was awesome and a birthday gift from friends. Then 2 days before my Birthday Josh and I went out with some friends Rock Climbing, which was an experience, and lots of fun. Then out to dinner at the Claim Jumper.
On My Birthday I had a crown put on...boo no fun! Then all my family on Josh's side came over to celebrate, and I bought myself a Nothing Bunt Cake ( white Chocolate Rasberry of course). Opened my Orlei Kiely bag from my husband ( Thanks again Maren) and fell fast asleep glad it's a whole year until my next Birthday. ( Just because the getting older thing)

She was amazing.

Ryan who was seriously like a pro at climbing.

Ryan not letting Amber touch the ground, one of my favorite shots.

Maren showing of her Cirque Du Soleil skills.

I really look like I know what I'm doing..ha ha

Harness was not do comfy especially for the boys, and there may of been a few crude comments.....mostly from my husband of course.

Dinner Afterward, and my awesome group Gift.

Hellooow my new favorite purse.