Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Memorial / July 4th

I'm posting Memorial day I know it's been forever but I figured I'd just add this post in with Fourth of July. Every Memorial and fourth of July Josh's family puts on a big spread, they head out to La Jolla Shores early in the morning make breakfast burritos, and tons of other food and snacks, then we spend the day eating, playing in the water and sand. So Memorial little Paige was terribly sick and we couldn't stay long, plus the weather was not great. Fourth of July was much better we had happy girls, the weather was beautiful. We spent most of the day there and then Lilly went to stay with her cousins for 2 days. We ended the day going to friends to watch the fireworks and BBQ.

Can you tell she is not feeling so well!

Paige at home sick in bed.

The fourth....much better.

A little happier I think.

Lilly's older cousin letting little crabs crawl all over him. The kids thought it was awesome.

Daddy and his girls.


Demarcus Family said...

Lilly looks so old to me!
Look like fun as always :)

ferntyler said...

looks like a pretty sweet spot on the beach and you got some great pics - that one of Josh and the girls is so cute!

Maddyn said...

It was fun playing with Lilly at the beach. Did lills have fun at the sleep over we had?

jessica said...

Paige looks way happier on the 4th. What a fun outing.